
Unlock Your Coaching Potential

Need quick, effective solutions for your coaching sessions?  The Magic Coaches Library has you covered!   You’ll find everything you need to make your sessions impactful and efficient.

The Magic Coaches Library is a treasure trove and curated collection of exclusive, expert-designed coaching tools and resources for use with clients and yourself.   Elevate your practice, empower your clients, and use the tools to build on your knowledge, expertise and skill as a coach.   Save time, maximise your impact, and empower your clients like never before!

Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, these unique practices will support you.

Why having a Tools is Important

Our daily habits shape our lives, making the familiar feel comforting yet sometimes holding us back. Yet, there’s hope! Through becoming aware of our habits and patterns, we can dive beneath the surface of our actions, perceptions, and interpretations and engage in second order learning.  This is learning about who and how we are and who and how we could become!

Second order learning isn’t just about changing what we do; it’s about understanding what drives us to do it. By exploring our inner world, we can break free from limiting patterns and expand our possibilities.

The tools and practices will help you and your clients become more aware, interrupt habits, and broaden your range of actions.

Tools and Practice Categories

These practices are informed by 20 years of designing  and refining practices for clients.  They draw from various Coaching Theories, Methodologies, and Human Development Principles.